Enthusiasm Lab Featured on Community Voice

1. Tell us a little about yourself and what Enthusiasm Lab is all about.

Enthusiasm Lab is about marrying the divine feminine, universe, spirit, into your business and taking both your life to the next level by being surrendered in a place of possibility so you can connect to the highest version of yourself.

First we connect to the highest version of yourself, then we connect to your business desires and ideal clients so everything is in alignment. You can have the life and the business you desire when you connect with the highest self.

2. You have almost a decade of experience, share with us some of this experience and your journey to be here now?

I think my greatest lessons were sometimes from doing the wrong things or seeing some of the decisions made by others that weren’t in alignment. We always have two choices, to make a choice out of love or fear. I can see now how when I made from fear there were some great lessons there. Mostly I always heard these whispers of knowing from something greater than me. I would be playful and curious with it at first and then when I met other women doing the same, it really validated how powerful it was to slow down listen in and work from that place.

3. What do you do to honor your divine feminine energy – any secrets you can share with us to be more in tune with following our intuition?

Ahh of course. The first is slowing down always and taking care of your physical and mental health. For a lot of us that means prioritizing ourselves and setting boundaries. In a world where women are now doing absolutely everything that can mean facing some deep rooted generational and societal beliefs. It is truly up to us as individuals to transform the narrative. After slowing down and taking care of ourselves comes connecting to our desires. Asking yourself what if anything was possible? What would my business look like? What would my life look like. Your intuition, God, Your higher power, whatever you want to call it, wants what is absolutely best for you. When you connect with that realm of possibility absolutely anything is possible. Lastly is support. The saying you become the five people you hang around the most is 100% true. That is why you need to be putting yourself in rooms with people doing the things you desire to do. They will show you what is possibility and share with you their frequency of becoming it.

4. Your “VIP Strategy Session Attract Your Dream Customers” is quote on quote “an integration of the divine and logistical.” Without giving too much away, what inside scoop can you tell us about this 4-6 hour session?

Ahh yes, very similar to above its slowing down and checking in, and rewiring our brains on what is possible and how to align our business goals with that. It is possible to have a business you love my surrounding yourself with clients or customers you love doing work for. After the session you’ll have a guidebook and overall feeling of that realm of possibility and how to attract them.

5. Enthusiasm Lab gives their time to support non-profit or organizations in need at no cost, tell us more!

Yes, so when there is a need from a school, or non profit or charity and they don’t have the funding to get things off the ground, They can submit their needs and desires and we can see if it is a fit for a complimentary service.

6. Is the best way for people to connect with you and your services to book a 30-minute connection call? 

Instagram at Enthusiasmlab

Email me at Enthusiasmlab@gmail.com


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